Munich 26–27 Nov 2024

Category: CDE, Big Data, Cloud Services, AI (Page 2 of 4)

Success Story: aurivus – 2nd place of the 3rd Smart Building / Smart Construction Innovation World Cup® Award

Artificial Intelligence with aurivus: Aurivus GmbH develops artificial intelligence for building and factory (re)planning. Through a cloud-based Scan-to-BIM solution, we want to close the gap between buildings and their digital twins. The aurivus AI was trained to assist expert modelers in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry to create as-built read more…

IP500 OEM Solutions for target applications

Interoperability and a wide combination of various IoT applications in a commercial or industrial building is a important factor for end-users to lower cost of energy consumption, improve security or comfort in his building. Because of a full interoperability of the IP500 infrastructure and the connected IP500 solutions i.e. security read more…

IP500 IoT Infrastructure

IP500 redundant Infrastructure With the IP500 wireless network a robust, secure, scalable and redundant IoT network can be set up. This offers the possibility to address many applications in the field of commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. The IP500 IoT wireless network is certified for high security applications read more…

Detaillierungsgrad (Level of Detail, LOD) für Produktmodelle von Herstellern

Die vermehrte Einführung von BIM-Methoden erfordert einen höheren Detaillierungsgrad bei Modellkomponenten und die Möglichkeit, den LOD je nach Projektphase anzupassen. LOD oder Level of Detail beschreibt die Päzision eines Modells. Durch eine strukturierte Festlegung der Informationsgrade kann sichergestellt werden, dass alle Beteiligten klar erkennen können, welche Modell-Informationen zu welchen Projektphasen read more…