Munich 26–27 Nov 2024

BIM4Infrastructure – or how the sixth and seventh dimension (sustainability, resources and operation) will inspire planning models

The design and maintenance of our built environment is one of the major challenges facing society, especially in dynamic times such as we are currently experiencing. At the same time, nobody can tell us how we will construct infrastructure or buildings in 10 years’ time. Only one thing seems to be certain. We will no longer be able to do things the way we do it today because we are increasingly lacking skilled labour and because new technologies such as machine learning are creating completely new opportunities for us.

It is more important than ever to monitor technology trends to lead the right decisions for our organizations.

Stefan Kaufmann from Allplan is moderating this inspiring expert panel “BIM4Infrastructure – How to plan infrastructure projects with the right parametric and regulation with the support of AI”


  • Inga Stein-Barthelmes, pd öffentliche Hand
  • Peter Rummel, Bentley
  • Pieter Staelens, EU Commission
  • Juha Liukas, Tampere University, Research Centre Terra

where they discuss an AI-drive future of infrastructure planning.


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